Empowering horses through communication and play

A holistic approach to supporting horses wellbeing and happiness

Have you noticed a mood, attitude or behaviour change with your horse and are not sure why? We can help...

Enquire now

Positive behaviour change



  • Are you concerned about your horse's psychological wellbeing whilst stabled?
  • Are you feeling stuck and frustrated at not being able to achieve the next level of performance with your horse? 
  • Are you losing your confidence or at your wits end with your horse being spooky, over-reacting or anxious in certain situations?
  • Are you fed up at not being able to build trust and connection with your horse? 

You have ruled out any pain related issues and are ready for a holistic approach to support...

We can help...

The performance horse

Have you reached a plateau with your performance or maybe your horse is feeling the pressures and stresses of competitive lifestyle. You are feeling frustrated at not making progress? You know there is more potential with your horse and are unsure how to unlock the next level of progression? Are you keen to enable them to reach their potential and the next level of performance and results?  We can help.  <more info>

The stabled horse

Are you concerned about your horses psychological wellbeing? A stint on box rest or being predominately in a stabled environment can have an impact on your horse.  Have you noticed their behaviour change, perhaps a low mood, becoming withdrawn or showing signs of stress or boredom? Maybe you have noticed an increase of stereotypical behaviours?  We can help.  <more info>

The worried, spooky horse

Is your horse spooking or quickly getting uptight and tense? Maybe napping or spinning? Or finding it difficult and getting anxious when separating from others? Are you finding them difficult to ride and handle in certain situations?  Are you losing your confidence and ability to stay calm which is effecting your enjoyment of being with your horse?  We can help.

<more info>

The untrusting horse

Are you finding it difficult to connect with and build a trusting relationship with your horse?  Are they difficult to catch, or may turn their bum towards you in the stable?  You may notice they are distant from other horses in the field too? Are you fed up and not sure what to do with your horse?  We can help.

<more info>

and more... any horse can benefit!

Happy horses

As equestrians we want our horses to be happy.

Happy horses = quality of life = better relationships = better performance!

You may have a feeling your horse is not happy and are unsure why.  You know your horse is not in physical pain and want to understand what else may be going on for them.

We offer a holistic approach to understanding and having your horse be a happy horse.

Working with horses at liberty, empowering them, with the freedom to choose to interact through horsemanship play from the ground.

Understanding the horse from how they behave and interact with others.  Reading their subtle communication, understanding their personality; tendencies, characteristics and strengths to get to know and understand them.

Working with different sets of innate abilities; through unspoken communication connection, listening to and reading the horse in the moment to know what they need and want.  Communicating and sharing their needs. 

Bringing positive emotions of joy and happiness.

Enquire now

A change to your horses mood, attitude or behaviour can cause you worry and concern.  

Using a holistic approach to support horses with their wellbeing and happiness. 

Empowering horses through communication and play.

For positive behaviour change, an empowered and connected horse with a zest for life. 

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CASE STORY: From unease in the group to peace, calm and happiness...

"From our first session the improvement was visible... The lightness in all of us was a well needed change and I will forever be grateful."

Lizzi, Owner of Cubby, Spud and Gabby

We can help... in 3 steps

Book A Session

Head to our shop and book 3 x horse empowerment sessions.

We will be in contact

To discuss in more detail and schedule a time to meet with you and your horse.

Start your horses journey

Trust the process and enjoy as we take your horse on a journey of discovery to happiness. 

Book Now
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CASE STORY: Help for Bertie's wellbeing whilst on box rest...

"He is definitely less anxious...  Thank you so much Carey for helping both of us and giving tools and tips that we can use as we continue our rehab journey." 

Kerry, Owner of Bertie

Why me?

My qualifications

Professional qualifications include a National Diploma in Equine Studies and in Horse Psychology.  A Diploma in Natural Animal Communication.  A Rahanni Celestial Healing practitioner.  Certificate in Animal Emotions.

Horse whisperer, communicator and healer

Experienced in listening to and reading the horses to understand them through their behaviours, subtle communication and energy. 

Affinity with horses

An experienced horse professional with over 45 years of life experiences with horses.  Empathic, intuitive and a strong inner knowing when working with horses to know what they need and want in the moment. 

Understanding the horse-human relationship

With over eight years of training and delivery of Equine Assisted learning programmes, I have a good understanding of the horse-human relationship and dynamic on a deeper level.

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CASE STORY: Help for Pete for separation anxiety and sense of happiness...

After Carey's visits Pete is a lot happier, the separation anxiety is barely noticeable.  He is more relaxed and has started to be more playful and inquisitive...

Katie, Owner of Pete

Empowering horses through communication and play

A holistic approach to supporting your horse with their wellbeing and happiness, to live their best life.

For positive behaviour change, an empowered and connected horse with a zest for life. 

Work with me

To make the difference for your horse

Book a session

Sessions are in person working and interacting with your horse/s at liberty (or on a lond line if unable to be free) so they have freedom to be and to choose.  Working in an arena or in their natural environment in a field either as a herd or on an individual basis. Working with a clear intention and context for the session with feedback provided along the journey.  

We offer initial consultation and a package of 3 x sessions with your horse (normally 30-40 mins) for you to see the positive change.  Guidance given from the horses perspective to help moving forward.

Rahanni Celestial Healing

Rahanni Celestial Healing offers a gentle healing energy that works on a deeper level bringing balance and harmony.  

This can be provided in person with your horse or healing sent distantly.  

Veterinary permission required.

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